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Electric Furnace Tubing(Electric Furnace Tube/Electric Furnace Pipe)

Electric Furnace Tubing(Electric Furnace Tube/Electric Furnace Pipe)


Electric furnace tubing is winded into circle by copper pipe. Electric furnace tube has inductance to generate eddy which plays a part in heating. The water in the copper pipe plays a part in cooling at the same time.


Alloy Mark Condition Sectional Dimension Length Reference Standard
OD Wall Thickness ID
T2 TP2 TU2 TU1 C10200 R φ60 to 300 5 to 30
500 to 6000 GB/T1528-1997
φ95 to 120 32.5 to 35
500 to 4000 Manufacturer's Standard
φ125 to 200 32.5 to 35
300 to 2000
φ210 to 250 32.5 to 40
300 to 1500
φ260 to 300 35 to 65
300 to 800
R φ300
φ50 to 160 300 to 700 Manufacturer's Standard
φ5 0 to 200
φ50 to 250
M Y φ15 to 360 0.7 to 10
According to the standard GB/T1527-1997
φ38 to 300 10.5 to 17.5
500 to 7000 Manufacturer's Standard
Y2 φ15 to 100 0.5 to 10
According to the standard GB/T1527-1997
T2 Tp2 M φ6 to 35 0.6 to 6
5800 GB/T18033-2000
Y2 φ6 to 54 0.6 to 6
Y φ6 to 219 0.6 to 6
M Y2 Y φ4.76 to 25 0.3 to 1.5
3000 to 7000 GB17791-99
M φ4 to 22.23 0.3 to 1.5
80 to 12kg (Axis Roll)
M φ7 to 9.52 0.32 to 0.36
70 to 120kg (Rifled Tube Axis Roll) Manufacturer's Standard
M Y φ6.35 to 19.05 0.5 to 0.7
15000 (Mosquito Coils) GB17791-99
T2 Conductor M φ8 to 17.3 0.5 to 0.7
1000000 to 8000000 (Axis Roll or Cable Drum) Manufacturer's Standard
T2 Rectangle, Square Pipes M Y Long Side A×Short Side B×Wall Thickness: 5 to 80×5 to 80×1.0 to 10 Vertical Bar:1000 to 5000 L≥6000 for Circle Disk Manufacturer's Standard
* It can be negotiated if the specification is beyond the range.
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